Online Course Readiness

decorative banner image looking down on a desk with an open computer, tablet, paper, coffee, and pencils


Online courses allow for you to attend class according to your schedule, complete coursework from anywhere, and skip the commute. In addition to these conveniences, many students find that classes delivered online are more conducive to their personal learning style, and they participate more frequently through online discussion boards than they ever did in face-to-face classes. However, their ease and convenience does not mean that they are easier than traditional classes. Online courses are challenging and will require your hard work and dedication. Your first job in an online class is to make sure you have the necessary skills needed to successfully attend and complete your course. This short training will walk you through the basics of learning management systems, saving your documents, email, conducting research, using your mobile device, and instructor to student interaction. After completion, you should be ready to enroll in your first online course.

To begin this course, you will need to have an account and login. If you are not logged in or do not have an account, click “Login to Enroll” in the upper right of your screen. Next, click on one of the lessons below. At the bottom of each window, you will have the option to mark the lesson as complete (which will move you to the next lesson) or click on the “next lesson” button. A course navigation menu will remain on the left side of your screen for direct access to any page, including the quiz. Once you have reviewed all the content in this course, please attempt the Online Course Readiness Competency Quiz.