In our current digital world, it seems as though everyone knows how to use a computer, and computers are replacing more of our manual tasks every day. This is great, but not everyone uses a computer. For those of us not familiar with computers, it often feels too late in the game or too challenging to learn now. The good news is it’s not too late, and anyone can learn to use a computer! No one was born with computer knowledge, and we all start learning computers at the same place – the beginning. So that is exactly where this series of courses started with Part 1: Basic Operations. If you don’t feel ready for this course, you may wish to enroll in Getting Started with Computers Part 1: Basic Operations and/or Getting Started with Computers Part 2: Files .
Please allow up to 30 minutes to complete this course. However, there is no time limit, and you may take as long as you need to master the material.
To begin this course, you will need to have an account and login. If you are not logged in or do not have an account, click “Login to Enroll” in the upper right of your screen. Next, click on one of the lessons below. At the bottom of each window, you will have the option to mark the lesson as complete (which will move you to the next lesson) or click on the “next lesson” button. A course navigation menu will remain on the left side of your screen for direct access to any page, including the quiz. Once you have reviewed all the content in this course, please attempt the Getting Started with Computers Part 3: The Internet Competency Quiz.
About the Author: This course was written and constructed by Heather M. Merchant, M.S., an Instructional Designer in the Office of Instructional Design and Access at Wichita State University