Online Course Readiness (for prospective Wichita State students) Competency Quiz

After completing Online Course Readiness, you should have a better understanding of what an online degree program will require of you, how it will affect your life, if you are online ready, and if not, what you can work on to get there.

If you are considering an online course or program, please visit Wichita State University’s web site for online degrees. Our online courses are designed and delivered by the same faculty who teach on-campus. Consistent review by our instructional designers, ensures we are delivering course content in the best way for the academic discipline. In addition, we use analytics and student feedback to measure effectiveness and improve future courses. Our Online Student Success team is dedicated to helping you stay on track and guide you all the way to graduation!


You are now ready to attempt the Competency Quiz. If you score 85% or higher on the quiz, you will receive a non-credit digital credential with an optional printable certificate from

You have unlimited attempts for taking the quiz, which can always be found in the “Course Navigation” sidebar on the left of your screen.

Online Course Readiness (for prospective Wichita State students) Competency Quiz